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Services Offered

Allergy Testing
Allergy testing is a form of medical examination that physicians use to determine if you have allergies. An allergy is an overreaction by your immune system to something in the environment that you touch, breathe in, or ingest. There is a broad range of potential allergens, meaning substances to which people can be oversensitive. Allergy tests work by exposing patients to minute amounts of allergens, and documenting the adverse reactions.

Allergy Injections
Can effectively lessen or prevent problems caused by many common allergens, including pollens, grass, mold, dander and dust mites. Allergy shots are not used in the treatment of food allergies. You will develop a specific plan with an allergist.

Asthma Management
Depending on the type and severity of your asthma, the physician will help formulate an asthma action plan which might include one or more of the following medications: inhaled corticosteroids, long-term control medications, or quick relief medications.

Medication and Treatments
Nasal sprays, allergy medications, eye drops and sinus rinses.

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