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The best way to manage diabetes is not to develop it. This is not an idle concern; millions of Americans already suffer from diabetes and many, many more have prediabetes, meaning that their blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be considered diabetes. Fortunately, there is evidence that Type 2 diabetes is preventable. Intensive lifestyle modification can reduce your risk of developing diabetes by more than 50%.

When it comes to preventing diabetes, healthy habits are fighting the good fight. Here are seven tips for stopping diabetes before it starts:

  • Lose excess weight: Losing a modest amount of weight, such as 5-7% of your total body weight, can reduce your risk of diabetes.

  • Eat healthy: Avoid unhealthy fats and sugars.

  • Drink more water: Limit sodas or alcohol.

  • Increase physical activity: To a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff: Excessive stress is bad for you.

  • Get your ZZZs: Beauty sleep is healthy sleep.

  • Make your medical appointments: And make sure you keep them. 

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